Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Break, Out with the Old and IN with the New

On November 26, 2012 I lost the love of my life. Towards the end of my sophomore year, my parents bought me a brand new Hyundai Tiburon. Tina (my car) was the most beautiful little sports car on the road. After four short years of driving with my beautiful Tina, disaster struck.

I had just merged onto Hull Street and stopped at the red light, headed home from Richard Bland. When the light turned green, I noticed the car to my left swerving into my lane. As I looked over to see how close she was, my head slammed into the airbag. A car running a red light had cut the car in front of me off and I was unable to stop in time. The damage to my car was catastrophic, and my Tina was declared totaled 2 days later.

In the beginning of March 2013, after spending four long months borrowing different vehicles from family and friends I decided it was time to move on. After researching on the internet for cars that fit my needs, I narrowed my search down to two - the Jetta TDI and the Elantra. After seeing them in person and test driving the two possible candidates, my heart was set on the Jetta TDI. On Wednesday 20, 2013 I bought my first car. Both vehicles were a first in different ways and have emblazoned themselves forever on my heart.

Not Good Weather for All

With the weather event that took place on Wednesday 6, 2013, I feel Richard Bland College should take into consideration their commuter students and what the weather is like from where they are coming. Although it was only raining on the Richard Bland campus, other areas were being pounded with snow and sleet.  In Chesterfield County there was an inch of snow on the ground by 7:00 am and showed no signs of slowing down. The news was reporting accidents along Hull Street, 288 North/ South, and 95 North/ South.

My carpool companion and I had a stressful morning weighing the odds of how to get to Richard Bland safely and if we should even try. Knowing that campus was not closed and the work we would miss could not be made up put enormous pressure on us. We decided to try, but when our vehicle started to slide we were forced to turn around. I know for a fact that we were not the only conflicted students on Wednesday; I received several emails from students expressing their concern for the situation. By the time Richard Bland closed, at 10:00 am, I had missed two classes and risked my safety. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Meeting

On Friday night March 1, 2013 my mother and I attended our first Richard Bland play, “The Meeting”. The play was a small glimpse of two very important African Americans meeting to discuss their views and beliefs. Both Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were powerful men who left their mark on history by helping to shape America.  The two men saw the same problem; America was divided by race and African Americans were being discriminated upon. However, they sought completely different ways of resolving the problem. Whereas Malcolm X saw and felt the rage of his fellow African Americans and wanted to redirect the rage; Martin Luther King felt the same rage and pain and thought to transform it into peace and love. While both men were educated, they were though in different ways; one from the streets and the other through books. Much greatness could have been achieved if Malcolm X and Martin Luther King had joined forces and worked together to dispose of discrimination; unfortunately for history the two inspirational men would never link arms do to their opposing point of view. The play illustrates their true opposing strengths best through an arm-wrestling seen where there was no winner because both men had their message heard in the end.

Grammar Schmammar

This week was the week of my group’s grammar schmammar lesson. My group spent the weekend and the week working on our presentation. Instead of copying the previous groups by making a power point, we decided to be more creative. We made a power point presentation, “the old fashioned way,” out of poster boards to explain the difference between active voice and passive voice. After the lesson we divided the class into two teams and played a game of active and passive voice jeopardy to ensure the class fully grasped the concept. After each correct answer the participating classmate received a piece of candy and the winning team was rewarded with more candy.
I really enjoyed working with my grammar schmammar group; not only did I learn the difference between active voice and passive voice, but I also had fun being creative with my new friends. My drawing skills were put to the test and I feel as though I passed with flying colors. In the past, I have had trouble working in large groups because I prefer my ideas, however I found I was impressed by some of the ideas that my group members put forward.